Our Culture

Rich in spirit and enveloped in the love of ‘Ohana.

generational knowledge in
an Iconic location.

Cannabis has been an integral part of the Humboldt culture for decades. Growing organic cannabis for a living is a local tradition practiced and handed down from generation to generation, always with a clear focus to reduce environmental impact and generate the smallest carbon footprint possible.

A Living gift among the redwood

growing organic cannabis with respect to mother earth

Makana Ola translates to ‘a living gift’ which is at the core of our culture and the driving force behind our culture.

Environmental Consciousness

Our operational priorities revolve around the respect for the land and nature while leaning on generational cannabis growing practices that produce a superior product.

Superior Sun-Grown Product

Cannabis produced in Humboldt is known to be of superior quality and embodies the mystic nature of the local redwoods. The light breeze carries across the mountain and brings with it strength while the sun, moon, and fresh water captured from streams directly from the mountain.